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Location: Lyn-Lake

The Lyn-Lake area is anchored by the Lake Street and Lyndale Avenue intersection, and located east of Uptown. It is bordered by 35-W to the east and contains the Lyn-Lake, Lyndale, and Whittier neighborhoods. Once considered an extension of Uptown, this unique area earned its name when branded by the Lyn-Lake Business Association in 1999, and has emerged as a vibrant neighborhood with its own unique character.

Community Profile

Voted Best Neighborhood in 2011 by City Pages, this section of Minneapolis  shares the eclectic mix of boutique shops and trendiness that the area is known for. The Lyn-Lake neighborhood is a small, dense neighborhood consisting of a mix of different types of uses. Old and new buildings sit next to each other, giving the neighborhood a resilient and pulsating energy.

Within a one mile radius of the center of Lyn-Lake, there is a population of 41,588 with 22,507 housing units. Younger, single renters primarily populate the area as 69% of the housing units in this one-mile radius are rented with an average household size of 1.95 persons. Non-family households consist of 72% of the 20,737 households in this neighborhood.  We expect the youthful energy in this area to grow along with the increased population.

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can’t be organized or regulated. It isn’t true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth.

Ram Dass