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Location: South Minneapolis

South Minneapolis contains many small neighborhoods, each with distinctive demographics, economy, and character.  From Linden Hills to Kingfield to Powderhorn to  Tangletown,  These neighborhoods offer many different types of opportunities for those who are willing to look. Ackerberg has worked in all of them, and we enjoy applying our aptitude for solving problems to the diverse challenges in each of the neighborhoods of South Minneapolis.

Community Profile

While there are pockets on either end of the spectrum, generally speaking, the households of South Minneapolis are experiencing growth in the median hosehold income.  Many neighborhoods have high proportion of households with children, as well.  These demographics are very attractive to businesses that cater to these market segments. The neighborhoods of South Minneapolis have a high density of single family homes, and multiple central economic hubs that contain many owner-user commercial buildings. These unique business districts, easy transportation access, and proximity to the lakes and other recreation areas them walkable, amenity-rich communities with very active economies.  

A person does not have to be behind bars to be a prisoner. People can be prisoners of their own concepts and ideas. They can be slaves to their own selves.
